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Frontpage Tenants Waste disposal

Hoas’ waste collection bins are emptied at intervals specified in the contract. Do not leave any rubbish or trash bags on the floor of waste areas. If there is so much rubbish on the floor that the bins cannot be brought out of the shelter, they will not be emptied. Driver of the waste collection truck is not required to collect rubbish from the floors, only to empty the bins. Food scraps and other rubbish left on the floor will attract rats.

Some Hoas properties have several waste collection areas, which may have different waste containers. Some of Hoas’ newer properties have a pipe system for waste collection. The hatch is opened with a key fob, which you can collect from the Hoas office, if you live in a property that has a collection pipe.

Furniture, problem waste and other items not belonging in the waste collection bins must not be left in the waste collection shelter or anywhere else around the property. Tenants are responsible for disposing or recycling of any large waste items and furniture.

Your actions play a significant role in the success of waste sorting. Correct recycling can also lower the cost of waste disposal for your property. Waste truck does not empty bins that contain waste that does not belong in that particular bin (i.e. glass in biodegradable waste).

Check kierrä page to find the other nearest recycling locations if you don’t have containers for everything at your own property. Read more about recycling from HSY website

Mixed waste

Mixed waste consists of non-recyclable materials, such as soiled papers, cardboards and plastic packaging. Problem waste and for example furniture do not belong with mixed waste.

Biodegradable waste

You must pack biodegradable waste in materials that are also biodegradable, such as paper bags or special bags sold in shops for the purpose of recycling biodegradable waste. Please remember that biodegradable waste does not include pet waste or normal or mineral-based cat litter.

Plastic packages

All empty plastic packages can be recycled to plastic packaging waste. Plastic package means a plastic container, wrap, bag, etc. that has been used for packaging the product to be sold. Empty packages need to be rinsed or wiped clean if necessary. It is clean enough if there is no odour nuisance.  Labels may be left on the packaging. Caps and lids need to be detached from the original package to facilitate the further processing of packages. Packages made of different plastics cannot be put inside each other. Similar kinds of plastics or packages of the same sign can be put, however, inside each other if it is sure that the quality of their plastic is the same in all packages.


Almost any paper that is posted through the letter slot can be put in the paper recycling bin. You can take the waste paper to the bin in a white paper bag. You don’t need to remove staples. Do not tie the papers together with string or tape. Do not put wet or dirty paper, cardboard or for example milk cartons in the waste paper bin.


Metal waste bins are not for problem waste like batteries or paint tins, or for electrical or electronic waste, such as televisions, computer screens, or washing machines. It is recommended to take drinking cans to bottle recycling.


Glass jars need to be rinsed and you must remove their lids and caps. Labels and cap rings do not need to be removed. Bottles with deposits can be returned to supermarkets or Alko. Recyclable glass does not include window glass, mirror glass, car window glass, heat glass, light bulbs, porcelain, crystal or wired glass.


Soiled packaging needs to be rinsed and dried before recycling. Packaging should also be flattened and nested inside each other to take up as little space as possible. Do not put dirty or unrinsed packaging or styrofoam in the cardboard collection bin.

Electrical and electronic waste

Electrical and electronic waste should not be put together with mixed waste, or left in the waste disposal area of your property. Such waste must always be taken to collection points, where it will be processed for reuse. Many devices also contain hazardous materials. This includes televisions, monitors, refrigerators and freezers, many computer and telecommunication devices as well as electronic devices with built-in batteries. You can take any kind of electrical waste to Sortti facilities. Do not include removable batteries or light bulbs with electrical waste.

Hazardous waste

Problem waste must always be separated from other waste. Medication can be returned to the pharmacy, explosives to the police and electrical devices and batteries to their respective collection points. For example batteries are collected at many supermarkets.

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