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Frontpage Tenants Termination of tenancy

Termination of tenancy

The tenancy agreement is terminated by filling out termination form. The notice period is always one calendar month. If you give notice of termination now, your agreement can end at earliest on the last day of next month. You can terminate your agreement several months beforehand if you wish.

If the contract has several tenants and everyone is moving out, everyone fills out their own notice of termination.

If you have entered into a rental agreement as a minor, the notice of termination may also require the guardian’s approval for the termination. However, consent is not required and the processing of the termination proceeds normally, even if the form claims otherwise.

You can also submit a notice of termination by letter or in person at the Hoas service centre. You cannot submit a notice of termination by email or phone.

Fixed-term agreements

Fixed-term agreements and tenancy agreements that have time limitations, end on the date indicated on the agreement. You don’t need to terminate these agreements explicitly.

The tenant can also terminate a fixed-term tenancy agreement with a notice period of one calendar month.

Exchange students and summer apartments

A fixed-term agreement for international exchange students in furnished apartments or for a spring term in a furnished apartment cannot be terminated before the end of the tenancy.

The lessor’s notice period

The lessor’s notice period is six calendar months, if the agreement has been in effect for at least one year. For agreements that have been in effect for less than a year, the lessor’s notice period is three calendar months.

Tenants living in shared apartments have an option to use twelve (12) months lessor’s notice period regardless of how long their agreement has been valid. The longer notice period is possible if there have been no problems during the occupancy, all payments are in order and there is no other reason not to extend it. Fixed-term agreements will however end when the fixed-term period expires.

The most common reason for Hoas terminating your agreement is the fact that you have either completed your studies or interrupted them.

If you made a mistake

Notice with incorrect information cannot be corrected later. If you made a mistake, contact Hoas housing services.


You will be sent a written confirmation of your notice of termination as well as moving out instructions. If you have given us your current email address, you will also be sent an email confirmation.

If you don’t get a written confirmation in five days after giving notice, contact Hoas housing services.

Can the termination be cancelled?

If you have submitted a notice of termination and received a confirmation for it, your tenancy has ended and the apartment is considered free to be re-rented. However, if you would like to cancel the termination and stay in the apartment, call Hoas housing services as soon as possible.

When you call our housing services, we will check if the apartment has already been offered or rented to another person. If the apartment is still free, we can usually cancel the termination. Hoas reserves the right to not cancel it.

If the termination can be cancelled, we will ask you to put your wish to cancel it in writing on email. In the case of agreements family, the cancellation must come from all those who submitted the termination.

When we get your confirmation, the termination will be cancelled and your tenancy agreement can be continued on the previous terms. We will charge you for the cancellation according to the tenant charge sheet. The cancellation of a notice of termination cannot be reversed, so if you change your mind again, you will have to submit a new notice of termination.

Can Hoas’ notice of termination be cancelled?

If Hoas has terminated your agreement, the termination usually cannot be cancelled as the lessor will only do this for a good reason (for example, if you have completed or suspended your studies). If your situation changes and, for example, you receive an information about admission to a new place to study or you continue your studies, please contact Hoas housing services immediately. We will check if it is possible to cancel the termination on a case-by-case basis.

Moving day

The official moving date is the last day of your tenancy agreement.

All your other reservations through Hoas will be cancelled, such as parking spaces and sauna reservations. If you have reserved a parking space or a sauna time slot elsewhere, please contact that party to cancel the reservation.

As the moving date gets closer, you will receive a confirmation of the end of your tenancy agreement and instructions for moving out.

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