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Frontpage Tenants Tenancy agreement extension

Extending your tenancy agreement

Does your apartment have a limited time of occupancy? If your limited time is coming to an end but you are still a full-time student, contact our customer service. If you still match the criteria for our tenants, we can update your tenancy agreement and you can continue living in your apartment.

The credit information of any applicant and the guardian of an underage applicant is always checked automatically from the systems of Suomen Asiakastieto. If any one applicant or the guardian of an underage applicant is found to have payment default entries the tenancy agreement will be set to a fixed term of four months.

The agreement can be extended if no problems arise with your tenancy or rent payments, and your studies continue. Hoas sends you a letter about the possibility of extension when it’s due. Exchange students living in furnished apartments always have a fixed-term agreement.

A fixed-term agreement can be extended with another four-month fixed-term agreement, if there have been no issues with payments, all study documents have been provided and no other reasons against extending. You are responsible for applying for an extension to the agreement. Contact Hoas housing services when it’s your time to extend the agreement.

For extending the tenancy agreement you are required to send Hoas a new study certificate or certificate of attendance and transcript of records and receipt of your rent payment. These documents are emailed to confirmations[at] If your documents are in order, we will send you a request to sign a new agreement in Visma Sign electronical signature service. Sign the agreement bye the given due date.

Once the tenant has had two fixed-term agreements with no payment issues, the next agreement may be signed until further notice.

The agreement must be extended by the 7th day of the final month it is valid for. If the 7th day is a weekend day, you can extend the agreement on the following business day. For example, if the 7th day of the month is a Saturday, you can extend the agreement on Monday 9th.

Provide us the following documents when you want to extend your tenancy agreement:

  • All outstanding rents and other fees must be paid. Please attach to your email a receipt of rent payments. A screenshot of the processed payment is enough.
  • If the tenancy agreement had a fixed term due to a credit default history all rents from the entire term of agreement (4 months) must be paid.
  • For university students, a certificate of attendance and a transcript of records are required (a print from the online records is sufficient). For students on upper secondary level a certificate of attendance indicating the duration of the studies and an estimate of graduation date is sufficient. School certificates must not be older than three months.
  • You need to have a statement from your thesis supervisor if you do not have enough study credits due to writing your thesis. The statement must include an estimate on the progess/duration of the work as well as an expected completion date. The same applies to work experience.
  • Tenancy agreements for family apartments are signed by all parties and each person must also provide all the documents required.
  • In family apartments, one of the spouses must be a full time student.

If there are any outstanding rent payments or other fees, or if you do not bring all the required documents, the tenancy agreement cannot be extended.

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