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Frontpage Tenants Returning the keys

Returning the keys

The tenant moving out must return the keys by 9 am on the next business day after the tenancy period ends. If you are moving from one Hoas apartment to another Hoas apartment, you can keep the keys until 4 pm. If you wish, you can return the keys earlier than that.

You can return the keys to the Hoas service centre in a sealed envelope at the end of your agreement or you can also hand the keys directly to the new tenant by signing a handing over the keys agreement.

Returning the key to Hoas

Return the keys to the Hoas service centre (at Pohjoinen rautatiekatu 29) in a sealed envelope at the end of the lease. On the envelope, you should mark clearly your own name, the address you are moving out from, the return date and your signature. Leave the key envelope in the mail slot on the left side of the service centre door (please do not take a queue number).

Handing the key directly to the new tenant

You can hand over your key to the new tenant with handing over the keys agreement. The agreement must be signed by both parties and it must be returned to Hoas to housingservices[at] latest by 9 am on the moving day. You can find the agreement in a PDF file from Online services page.

If you are planning to give the key to the new tenant, please plan when and where you are filling out and signing the agreement and when and how you return it to Hoas.

Keys cannot be returned by mail or left in the apartment when you move out. Please note that keys to parking spaces and parking permits must always be returned to the Hoas service centre. Keys received from the tenant committee must be returned to the tenant committee.

Properly returned keys guarantee a speedier return for your deposit payment. If the keys are lost or are returned late, the lock needs to be rekeyed and it will be charged from you.

All keys must be returned

In addition to the keys to the apartment and the room, be sure to also return any keys or passes to parking spaces or mail boxes, laundry key cards and locks, keys to the waste disposal system and parking permits.

If you neglect to return the keys, i.e. the keys or a handing over the keys agreement is not returned to Hoas within the set time, the apartment locks will be rekeyed and the apartment may be cleaned. The rekeying of locks and every missing, broken or incorrectly returned apartment or room key, or keys to parking spaces or mail boxes, keys to the waste disposal system and parking permits will be charged according Hoas’ tenant charge sheet.

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