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Rent and other payments

Payment information

You can find payment information, such as bank account number and reference number in MyHoas. Follow these directions to find your rent invoice and check your own payment status.

Paying the rent

Rent is always paid by bank transfer into Hoas’ bank account. When paying your rent, please check that the account number and reference number are correct.

Reference number

  • You can find the reference number on MyHoas.
  • Reference number is same every month.
  • Using the reference number speeds up the payment processing time and prevents mistakes.
  • Payments made without reference number can’t be targeted to the right contract – as a result your payment might arrive late, and you might get fees from payment reminders.
  • Using the correct reference number makes it possible to pay rent from multiple separate accounts.

Due date

  • Rent is always due on the 6th of each month.
  • If the 6th is weekend or bank holiday, the rent is due the next workday.
  • Due date can’t be changed.

International bank transfer fees

  • Remember to add the charges for international transactions to the amount to be paid.
  • If you don’t add them, the costs for the transfers will reduce the amount received by Hoas.
  • It is your responsibility to take care of any charges for international transactions.
  • For any questions regarding international transaction fees, contact your bank directly.

Paying several months’ rent at once

You can pay several months rent at one time if you want to. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Use the correct bank account number and reference number.
  • Check that the amount you pay is correct.
  • Keep the payment receipts and/or bank statements as a proof of paid rent.
  • Keep track of when you must pay the rent next time.

If you accidentally pay too much or for example the rent twice, you can choose what to do from these two options:

  • Overpayment can be used to cover your next months’ rents.
  • If you would like to get the overpaid amount returned, send an email to our payment services at payments[at] Remember to add your account information to the message.

Late payments

  • If your rent is paid noticeably late, you will get a payment reminder (5 €).
  • The payment reminder must be paid with the next rent payment.
  • Reminder for overdue payments is sent once a month.
  • If the payment remains unpaid, it will transfer to debt collection agency.
  • Unpaid rents can lead to losing control of the apartment and ruining your credit rating.

Debt collection

If the payment is not received after a reminder has been sent, the collection of the debt will be transferred to our collection agency Svea perintä. The debts will accumulate interest and incur other expenses. Please note that the cost involved in debt collection can be considerable.

If your unpaid rents have been transferred to the collection agency and you would like to set up a repayment schedule or find out the total amount of your debt, please contact the collection agency directly.

Collection agency’s contact information:
Svea Perintä
tel. (03) 512 4484

Other payments

We invoice according to our official tenant charge sheet for example maintenance, unpaid door opening service and lost keys.

  • You can see all your invoices on MyHoas.
  • Pay all the invoices with the same payment information as rent.
  • The door opening service is paid directly to Securitas.

Rent adjustments

  • Rents are adjusted in the autumn in conjunction with budgeting.
  • Any increases in rent will be enforced from the beginning of January.
  • Tenants will be notified of the changes at least two months prior to the increase.

Joint tenancy agreement

In family apartments the tenants have joint responsibility for paying the rent.

  • If rent is not paid, each tenant will be transferred to the collection agency and any costs of that will be shared between those responsible (Law concerning rental apartments 11 §).
  • Joint responsibility will remain even if one tenant moves out without giving official note of termination. If you stay in the apartment alone, you will be responsible for the entire rent by yourself.
  • See also: What to do when spouse moves out of the shared apartment?

Certificate of rent payment records

  • If you need a certificate of payment records, email us at payments[at]
  • The official signed certificate costs 10 €.


  • Information about financial aid for students and applying for them can be found on Kelas website.
  • Kela gets monthly details of tenants and rents collected to verify the information of the tenants receiving student financial aid.
  • You are responsible to let Kela know if your payment information changes. Your payment information might change if there are changes in your tenancy agreement, for example if you move from one Hoas apartment to another.

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