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Frontpage Tenants Changing to another Hoas-apartment

Applying for a new Hoas apartment

You can change your apartment within Hoas. If you wish to change your apartment type or location, apply for a new apartment by filling an application. Hoas tenants may not swap apartments or rooms in shared apartments between themselves. Exchange students living in a furnished apartments can not change apartments since their tenancy is made for a fixed term.

Urgent need to change apartment?

If you are living in Hoas apartment and you have an urgent need to change to another apartment due to military or civil service, divorce or separation, or pregnancy, we aim to find you a new apartment as soon as possible.

New apartments are offered depending on the current situation. Location and type of apartment may not be what you wished for on your application.

If you are in an urgent need to change to another apartment, fill application and choose the reason for applying:

  • Military or civil service
  • Divorce or separation
  • Preganancy

Attach a certificate of the grounds for applying to the application. You can attach the document on your application. If you are applying for an apartment change due to divorce or separation, certification is not needed.

When you are applying for a new apartment with an urgent need, we can make you an offer for only one apartment. If you do not accept the offer, but wish to continue applying, change the reason for applying on the application form.

My spouse is moving in with me

A spouse can move in with you into Hoas apartment. Adding a spouse to tenancy agremeent requires approval from Hoas. You will need to make a new tenancy agreement together. A spouse may not move in with you if you are living in a room in a shared apartment or in an apartment with shared kitchen. If your spouse is moving in with you, contact our customer service. Check our contact information and opening hours.

My spouse is moving out of our apartment

When one of the tenants with joint responsibility of the apartment moves out, usually the other one must move out as well. In the case of divorce or separation you can apply for an apartment change with an urgent need. Add to your application that the reason for the urgent need is divorce or separation.

If you want to stay in your apartment by yourself, contact our customer service immediately. Staying in the apartment might be possible if the tenant staying is a full-time student and otherwise matches the Hoas criteria for tenants. Read more: Spouse is moving out.

Does your apartment have a limited time of occupancy? If your limited time is coming to an end but you are still a full-time student, contact our customer service. If you still match the criteria for our tenants, we can update your tenancy agreement and you can continue living in your apartment.

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