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Frontpage Housing Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3

Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3

Espoon keskus-Suvela, Espoo
  • Low
  • Condition of the property: good


Property includes the following services
  • Elevator
  • Internet: DNA
  • Laundry
  • Sauna
  • Clubroom

Images of the property,height=1300,quality=80/108/dsc3613-hdr.jpg,height=1300,quality=80/108/dsc3664-hdr.jpg,height=400,/108/dsc3613-hdr.jpg,height=400,/108/dsc3664-hdr.jpg


11 - 15.7 m²
36 pcs
244 - 349 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 1h
11 m²
1 pcs
244 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 1h
11 m²
3 pcs
245 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 1h
11 m²
8 pcs
250 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 1h
13.1 m²
3 pcs
263 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 1h
13.1 m²
1 pcs
264 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 1h
13.1 m²
2 pcs
274 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 1h
13.3 m²
3 pcs
266 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 1h
13.3 m²
1 pcs
267 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 1h
13.3 m²
2 pcs
274 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 1h
14.1 m²
6 pcs
334 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 1h
15.7 m²
6 pcs
349 €
Two-room apartment
50.5 m²
22 pcs
581 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 1h+oh+kk
50.5 m²
22 pcs
581 €
Three-room apartment
67.5 - 74 m²
30 pcs
688 - 779 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 2h+tpk
67.5 m²
16 pcs
688 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 3h+oh+k
74 m²
7 pcs
777 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 3h+oh+k
74 m²
6 pcs
779 €
Kirstinharju 1, Kirstinharju 3, 3h+tpk
74 m²
1 pcs
779 €

Family-friendly student homes in Suvela, Espoo

Good availability, apartments often available.

Kirstinharju buildings are located close to services of Espoon keskus. The buildings have been renovated in 2014. There are good public transportation connections by train to Herlsinki and Kirkkonummi.

There are families with children living in this property. The apartments are mainly spacious family apartments. There are also shared apartments.

Apartment videos

Basic information

Internet service provider
Energy class
Basic renovation year
1996, 2014
Construction year
Facelift renovation year


5/5 Yleisarvosana
Erittäin siistit nätit pinnat, erinomainen äänieristys, hyvät julkiset liikenneyhteydet, kaupat sekä juna-asema lähellä.
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