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Frontpage Areas Hermanni-Sörnäinen



Great location, good services, things to do and see - all this is offered by the urban areas of Hermanni and Sörnäinen. Trams, numerous buses and the metro ensure convenient movement in any direction. There are local shops for daily needs and a larger selection can be found in Kalasatama’s Redi and Arabia’s shopping centre for larger purchases. An outdoor enthusiast can head to Arabia’s shoreside park, Vanhankaupunginkoski rapid, Lammassaari or Mustikkamaa, for example. Suvilahti cultural centre and Hermanni’s own restaurant culture cradle, Teurastamo, are also located nearby. Hermanni's landmarks also include a prison and a large recycling centre. To the southwest, the area extends to the neighbouring bustling area of Kallio.

Housing application

Area information

Distance to the city centre

  • Helsinki 4 km

Public transportation

  • Bus
  • Tram
  • Metro


  • Vanhankaupunginlahti bay area
  • Mustikkamaa recreation area
  • Arabianranta shore


  • Teurastamo
  • Prison
  • Sompasauna

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