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Frontpage News Saunas stay open for the time being – will be closed if the electricity situation changes

Saunas stay open for the time being – will be closed if the electricity situation changes

Saunas are heated as usual for the time being. If the probability of an electricity shortage increases, we will switch to reduced shifts (e.g. common sauna shifts, depending on the decision of each tenant committee).

Thanks to the recent rather warm and windy winter weather, the probability of an electricity shortage in Finland has decreased considerably. For this reason, the saunas are still heated according to the normal bookable shifts.

The reduced shifts chosen by each tenant committee will only be implemented if the risk of electricity shortage increases significantly (read more about the role of the tenant committees in the Winter News article “Tenant committees decide on possible additional shifts for the saunas”).

Originally, the saunas were planned to be closed for the entire beginning of the year, but this has now changed.

Possible changes to the sauna shifts will be announced a week in advance

If the probability of an electricity shortage increases and sauna shifts have to be reduced, we will notify about it at least one week in advance.

In a few properties, the renovation of the saunas has been agreed upon with the tenant committee, and these saunas are therefore kept out of use. Tenants of these properties will be informed.

The probability of a electricity shortage is monitored

Electricity shortage refers to a situation where the electricity in use in Finland is no longer sufficient to cover consumption. (Read more: Possible power outages caused by power shortage.)

Long periods of a very cold weather and sudden disruptions in power plants or electricity networks have the biggest influence on the emergence of an electricity shortage.

We are monitoring the situation and if the probability of an electricity shortage in Finland increases, we will switch to reduced heating times of the saunas.

Saving energy is still important

Although the probability of a power shortage has decreased, it is still important that everyone consumes electricity wisely. Small actions have a big impact when we do them together.

We have compiled concrete energy saving tips, which you can find in the links below:

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