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Frontpage News How to prepare for a power outage and how to act during it

How to prepare for a power outage and how to act during it

Since the possible planned power outages are short, they do not require massive preparation. However, it is good to take some things into account even during short breaks.

(Read more about power outages in our article “Possible power outages caused by power shortage“)

Before the power outage

  • Get a flashlight or headlamp
    • As a backup light source, a flashlight or headlamp is a safer option than a candle.
  • Keep water in a bottle or canister
    • The water supply may stop, so keep at least one bottle of drinking water stored.

When the power outage starts

  • Turn off washing machines and devices that warm up
    • Make sure that, for example, the stove, oven, iron or coffee maker are not on, so that they do not cause a safety risk when the electricity is restored.
    • If the washing machine is on, turn it off and close the water tap.
  • Don’t open the fridge
    • Avoid opening the refrigerator and freezer door. The products stay cold in the refrigerator for a couple of hours after the start of the power outage, in the freezer for at least a day.
  • The internet connection does not work and the car does not charge
    • When working with a desktop computer, it is worth noting that when a power outage starts, the computer will also turn off. Fixed internet connections don’t work either.
    • If your car is connected to an electric pole or your electric car is charging, unplug it.
  • By leaving one light on, you can see when the electricity comes back on.

After the outage

  • When the electricity comes back on, turn on the appliances slowly one by one to avoid a sudden load spike.

Special considerations for properties

  • The elevators are not working
    • If a power outage is reported, do not use the elevator during that time.
    • In newer elevators, the emergency call button works with the help of a battery during short power outages, but in older elevators, the emergency call button may also stop working. If you get stuck in the elevator and the emergency call does not work, try to get help either by shouting and banging or by calling on your phone.
  • Smart keys work normally
    • Electronic ILOQ and Pulse keys work during outages, but their update points do not.
  • The water supply stops
    • The water stops either immediately or within a few hours, depending on how the water gets to the property. Even if there is water, it is possible that in tall apartment buildings the water will not reach the top floors. The water may be cloudy during or after the outage. However, the water is drinkable. After the break, the water becomes clear by running the water.
    • The toilet can only be flushed once, as the toilet seat tank does not fill up during a power outage. If water comes from the faucets, you can empty the toilet if necessary by pouring about half a bucket of water into the bowl.
  • The apartment stays warm
    • A power outage of a few hours does not have a noticeable effect on the temperature of the apartment. However, avoid keeping windows and doors open unnecessarily to prevent heat from escaping.

Note elsewhere

  • The buildings’ door code devices and door phones do not work, so you may not be able to enter the campus or the library, for example.
  • ATMs do not work. Card payments are only possible in places where backup power is available.
  • Traffic can be chaotic if the traffic control systems, traffic lights and street and intersection lights are not working, so transitions can take more time.
  • You can’t get fuel from gas stations.
  • Trains, trams and subways may not run (this depends on the regionality of the power outage).

Although power outages caused by power shortages are short and limited in their consequences, it’s worth having a 72-hour backup at home for other disruptions. See instructions for home emergency food supply, for example, at

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