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Frontpage News Energy saving tips for everyday life, part 2

Energy saving tips for everyday life, part 2

Small actions have a big impact when we do them together. The price and availability of energy affects all of us this winter. Even if you don’t pay your energy by yourself, your consumption is a part of the total load.

Heating and the use of hot water and electricity weighs the most on the energy bill. When the consumption of heat and electricity decreases, the climate load goes down as well as the probability of power outages.

We put together concrete energy saving tips for your use. When you have checked that the basics are in order (saving level 1 list here), move on to other small but meaningful actions listed below.

Saving level 2: Small actions, big impact

  • Shorten your showers
    • Only stay in the shower for the time you need for washing, and close the shower while soaping.
    • For example, a 5-minute warm shower consumes 60 liters of water (flow 12 l/min). In a year, it makes almost 800 kWh of energy.
  • Take advantage of common sauna times
    • If common sauna turns, the so called jogging saunas, are available. Use them instead of private turns.
  • Dry the laundry on a rack
    • Drying laundry on a rack indoors or outdoors does not consume energy, unlike a dryer.
  • Turn down the heat when you’re away
    • If you are away from home for several days, turn the radiator down and turn off the underfloor heating.
  • Adjust the underfloor heating in the bathroom
    • If your bathroom has underfloor heating, it’s enough that the floor feels just slightly warm to your feet, not hot. The low temperature saves electricity and still keeps the bathroom dry.
  • Use the pre and residual heat of your oven.
    • You can often heat up the food in the oven already while the oven is heating up, so you don’t have to keep the oven on for so long.
    • Also remember the residual heat, i.e. the time when the oven is still warm, but has already been turned off.

Keep electricity use to a minimum between 8am and 10am and between 4pm and 6pm.

The risk of power outages is smaller when the use of electricity is avoided during these national consumption peaks on weekdays.

Read also:

After these go and conquer winning-level energy saving tips (level 3).

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