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Frontpage News The application system is being renewed: Housing application closed 10.1.-14.2.2023

The application system is being renewed: Housing application closed 10.1.-14.2.2023

We are renewing our apartment application system so that we can offer apartments to applicants faster in the future. The system change causes a break in the processing of applications. The housing application closes on January 10 and will reopen on February 14, 2023 at 12 o’clock.

When the new application is open, all applicants have to fill out their applications again. Since studio apartment applicants have been able to wait for an apartment for a long time, we will take into account the submission date of the original studio apartment application. Note, however, that the earlier submission date can only be taken into account, if the new application is submitted by 12 noon on March 6, 2023.

Need an apartment starting from the fall semester?

If your studies start in the fall, we advice you to apply for an apartment after the system change. This way you avoid filling out two applications! Submit an application as soon as you have been admitted to a school, but after March 6, 2023.

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